Tuesday, October 26, 2010

An Escape from a Secular Society, What does that even mean???

Where did the title of my blog come from?  What inspired such a name?

There are many different reasons why I love belly dancing.  The title of my blog is referring to my absolute #1 reason why I love this specific type of dance.  That reason is because belly dancing accepts and encourages ALL women to participate.  That may sound a little bit broad; let me explain what I mean...

One thing I despise about today's society is its critique of women about how we ought to look.  We are smothered with magazines portraying women as objects, telling women in society that in order to be considered "beautiful", we must look like those women...women who starve themselves in order to appear a certain way, or whose pictures have been altered or airbrushed, creating an unrealistic image.  Many women in today's society have fallen into the trap these advertisements have set, causing them to have low self-esteem and despise their very existence because they don't fit this image society has created for them.  Middle Eastern Dance is an escape from THIS society...a society that focuses on secular things, such as looks, instead of character.

Belly dancing is a type of dance that not only accepts, but encourages all females to participate.  It does not matter how tall or short you are, how big or thin you are, what race you are, nor what level of beauty a societal scale has given you.  ALL women are invited to participate, to learn, to enjoy this type of dance.  I think of the accepted dances/sports in our culture such as ballet, ballroom dance, swimming, etc...all of these activities expect the women to be thin.  Belly dancing takes you as you are and helps you to not only accept, but love that person.

I've always had terrible self-esteem, especially while growing up.  It was seldom connected to body image, but just to a lack of love and acceptance for myself as a whole.  Ever since I started my belly dancing class in July, I have noticed a HUGE difference in my view of myself.  Belly dancing teaches you to grasp your femininity and learn to appreciate not only your body, but your internal attributes as well.  It also allows you to express yourself in a way that is comfortable to you as an individual.  There is great satisfaction in being able to produce a dance that reflects my inward personality and emotions! 

For anybody who desires an increase in self-esteem or desires to know themselves better, I recommend belly dancing.  It truly is an escape from a secular society, an escape from being judged or told that you ought to appear a certain way.  Think of it, a world where everybody is accepted as she is!  I assure you that it is just as wonderful as it sounds :)

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