Tuesday, October 26, 2010

An Escape from a Secular Society, What does that even mean???

Where did the title of my blog come from?  What inspired such a name?

There are many different reasons why I love belly dancing.  The title of my blog is referring to my absolute #1 reason why I love this specific type of dance.  That reason is because belly dancing accepts and encourages ALL women to participate.  That may sound a little bit broad; let me explain what I mean...

One thing I despise about today's society is its critique of women about how we ought to look.  We are smothered with magazines portraying women as objects, telling women in society that in order to be considered "beautiful", we must look like those women...women who starve themselves in order to appear a certain way, or whose pictures have been altered or airbrushed, creating an unrealistic image.  Many women in today's society have fallen into the trap these advertisements have set, causing them to have low self-esteem and despise their very existence because they don't fit this image society has created for them.  Middle Eastern Dance is an escape from THIS society...a society that focuses on secular things, such as looks, instead of character.

Belly dancing is a type of dance that not only accepts, but encourages all females to participate.  It does not matter how tall or short you are, how big or thin you are, what race you are, nor what level of beauty a societal scale has given you.  ALL women are invited to participate, to learn, to enjoy this type of dance.  I think of the accepted dances/sports in our culture such as ballet, ballroom dance, swimming, etc...all of these activities expect the women to be thin.  Belly dancing takes you as you are and helps you to not only accept, but love that person.

I've always had terrible self-esteem, especially while growing up.  It was seldom connected to body image, but just to a lack of love and acceptance for myself as a whole.  Ever since I started my belly dancing class in July, I have noticed a HUGE difference in my view of myself.  Belly dancing teaches you to grasp your femininity and learn to appreciate not only your body, but your internal attributes as well.  It also allows you to express yourself in a way that is comfortable to you as an individual.  There is great satisfaction in being able to produce a dance that reflects my inward personality and emotions! 

For anybody who desires an increase in self-esteem or desires to know themselves better, I recommend belly dancing.  It truly is an escape from a secular society, an escape from being judged or told that you ought to appear a certain way.  Think of it, a world where everybody is accepted as she is!  I assure you that it is just as wonderful as it sounds :)

Myth #783--Belly Dancing's purpose is for women to dance FOR men--

The other day I was sitting at the dinner table in the Foreign Language Housing.  As required of those living in the FLSR, the rest of the Chinese house (both the girl's house and the guy's house) were sitting at the same table eating dinner.  I made some comment about how I had eaten too much and that this was problematic since I was leaving for my dance class shortly after dinner.  One of the guys asked what type of dance I was taking.  Without any hesitation, I responded in Chinese "肚皮舞" aka "Belly Dancing".  My response brought the typical reaction, one in which I am becoming quite accustom to.  His eyebrows rose, with surprise mainly, but also with fascination and curiosity.  After dinner he proceeded to tell me about how belly dancing was a sexy dance that the skinny girls participated in...saying that the girls dance for the guys in a similar manner as pole dancers in clubs do for money.  I informed him that the dance is NOT intended for the purpose of sexually entertaining or arousing men.  I told him how there are women of all different sizes that do this type of dance.  His response took me a little off guard.  There was a sort of disgusted look on his face as he said, "That's gross; I don't want to see fat people moving all that fat around".  By this point in the conversations I was frustrated and gave up my attempt to convince him that belly dancing is not what he thinks it is.

With my head slightly lowered, spirit saddened, I slowly walked out the door and made my way to my dance class.  Only a few minutes into class my spirit was lifted once more and a huge smile came across my face.  I decided that people didn't have to understand or approve of my belly dancing.  It makes me happy, and that's good enough for me!  After dance I spoke with a few women from my class, mentioning the frustrating conversation that had taken place between me and that guy shortly before I had come to class.  Their responses brought comfort to my discouraged heart and a smile to my face once again.  Both of them were disgusted with what that guys had said.  "Boys, uhg, boys need to get over themselves.  Not everything we do is for them.  They think we put on make-up for them, and now they think we dance for them...ha".  How can you not smile upon hearing such a response???

Something that I find ironic is that some of the Middle Eastern dances were actually originally performed by males, and even now there are still male belly dancers.

There are many different theories about the original purposes of belly dancing.  One theory is that the dance was originally danced by women for women.  Another theory is that Arab women were the first people to perform this type of dance as a part of religious rites to Hubal, the moon god.  A third theory is that belly dance was always danced as entertainment.  The big question is:  what is the purpose for belly dancing now?

From my various dance instructors and exposure to un-corrupted belly dance, I have come to form my own opinion about what some of the purposes of belly dancing are.  Belly dancing is meant to bring women together as a sisterhood to celebrate femininity together.  The dance is not designed to flaunt the woman's body, but rather to help the individual dancing become comfortable and confident in the body she is blessed with.  So, in essence, belly dancing is meant to benefit the individual, celebrate femininity, and help create bonds between fellow women dancers.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

It's All the Same to Me!!! :)

Everybody knows that pictures can say 1000 words.  Here are some that say, perhaps, even more than that!!! :)
Middles Eastern Dance is a sport just like running or swimming.  I find it interesting that we as people see an individual wearing nothing more than a small piece of cloth, accept, and then dismiss this apparel as "normal", for it is simply their athletic attire.  Don't get me wrong, I too see nothing wrong with these pictures, because as an athlete, I understand that certain clothing, or lack thereof, is important in being successful in certain sports.  
Everybody gets excited about the Olympics, but if we think about it from a slightly different perspective, it is a time when we spend hours staring at people who are wearing very little.  Every sport has a uniform that best protects or benefits the individual participating.  I grew up playing soccer, a sport that required extra equipment in order to help protect the players.  This is very different apparel than those who participate in gymnastics, who need to wear minimal and tight fitting clothing that does not get caught during the procession of their various routines.  What you wear while participation in a sport is extremely important.

One of those sports is belly dancing!  Since most of the dance is centered around the lower abdomen, torso or hips (where the center of gravity usually lies in females), it is important for the individual dancing to wear attire that suits the various moments of the dance.  For me personally, I notice a HUGE difference between going to my dance class in a tank top, and practicing at home in a sports bra.  When the stomach is un-covered, I can see the movements clearly which helps me to learn the dance easier and more correctly.  Also, I can see my abdominal muscles working, an aspect of this sport that I find fascinating. ;)  When the dancer is aware of her own movements, it is easier to produce a dance that is fluid and beautiful.
Doing belly dance in gear that covers the stomach is like riding a bike while wearing a snowsuit.  It is possible, but it certainly does not make the task at hand very simple.  In this type of dance, the exposure of the "belly" is what makes the various movements flow, making the dancer/athlete successful in her dance!!!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Workin' da ZILLS!!! 哦 Yeah!!!

Check out my Zills, yo!

To Zill, or not to Zill...that is the question!!!!

Unlike the other belly dancing props, the zills are an instrument as well as a prop.  My love for music naturally drew me in, and though the veil part may be easier, as well as more graceful and beautiful, the thought of spinning on stage in front of a bunch of people when I'm nervous, does not appeal to me in the slightest ;)

Last week was the first time my class practiced both parts together.  My very own zills!!!  I left my dance class with a smile on my face, a skip in my walk, and a glisten in my eyes.  I felt like my heart was going to burst from excitement.  I was giddy...like a little kid on the night before Christmas.  It was a difficult, but glorious experience learning how to play a rhythm with the zills and dance at the same time.  I am far from mastering the zills, but playing them, for me, is a ray of sunshine, and a breath of fresh air!!!